(常)DR.WU 玻尿酸保濕精華化妝水150ML (買1送1)

Product From: DR.WU台北
Chris & Angie-我要台灣代購(ID: 88715)
4.8108 Verified Reviews
Taiwan, Taipei
Expected to arrive Hong Kong within 16 days
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Product Details

玻尿酸保濕精華化妝水 智慧型肌因活水科技: 業界唯一,日德法保濕專利,結合日本大分子玻尿酸,與專利小分子玻尿酸,達到外鎖水內補水,加上德國專利玻尿酸肌活因子與法國專利玻尿酸啟動因子,啟動深層水巡力,肌活保濕不間斷。 首創類精華質地,迅速滲透、超級水感,引導後續保養精華層層滲入 添加植物性類分子酊,提升肌膚飽水度,完美打造水潤肌質! 玻尿酸保濕精華化妝水(清爽型) 智慧型肌因活水科技: 業界唯一,日德法保濕專利,結合日本大分子玻尿酸,與專利小分子玻尿酸,達到外鎖水內補水,加上德國專利玻尿酸肌活因子與法國專利玻尿酸啟動因子,啟動深層水巡力,肌活保濕不間斷。 清爽水感質地,可搭配化妝棉救急濕敷,一敷重現水亮光澤 添加維他命B3與維他命原B5,迅速補水、舒緩乾燥 使用方式: 每天早晚於臉部清潔後,取適量在手心或化妝棉上,輕拍按壓於臉部及頸部肌膚,亦可搭配面膜濕敷使用。 卸妝、清潔→玻尿酸保濕精華化妝水→精華液→乳液、面霜→防曬隔離

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  • Product purchased by Chris & Angie-我要台灣代購(ID: 88715) on your behalf
  • Even after payment, the order may still be cancelled due to insufficient stock; we recommend placing your order as soon as possible.
  • This product is non-returnable. Please refer to our Return and Refund Policy for more information.
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