De Pindakaaswinkel
De Pindakaaswinkel 的天然手製花生醬- 椰子海鹽

Product From: De PindakaaswinkelKalverstraat 210, 1012 XH Amsterdam

Naomi Ng@荷蘭代購
5.0247 Verified Reviews
Netherlands, Rotterdam
Expected to arrive Hong Kong within 23 days
- Shipping included
- The above amount may fluctuate daily due to exchange rates; please refer to the confirmation payment screen.
Product Details
“荷蘭最美味的花生醬” De Pindakaaswinkel 選用阿根廷優質有機花生,以人手製作,不加任何防腐劑或添加劑,亦不加糖份,以椰子油代替棕欖油,所以此花生醬絶對是健康之選。而且有多款不同口味,讓你品嘗花生與不同材料混合的美味! 有了我們的椰子海鹽花生醬,您會感覺自己身處棕櫚樹下的熱帶島嶼。椰子具有甜味、堅果味、溫和的味道。由於椰子富含健康營養物質,因此是一種多功能的超級食物。再配上健康又美味的花生, 一流! - 不加糖,甜味來自花生本身 - 不加防腐劑或添加劑 - 有機花生 - 不用棕欖油,只加椰子油同少量鹽 - 支持環保,只用玻璃樽 - 每樽420ml - 荷蘭製造 成份: 花生、椰子屑、椰子油和海鹽 每100公克營養價值: 能量 657 大卡 (2718 kJ) 脂肪 56.7 克 其中飽和17.1公克 碳水化合物 9.1 克 其中醣類5.6克 纖維7.0克 蛋白質 24.0 克 鹽0.3克

- Delivery will be arranged 1-2 days after the product arrives in Hong Kong
- Product purchased by Naomi Ng@荷蘭代購 on your behalf
- Even after payment, the order may still be cancelled due to insufficient stock; we recommend placing your order as soon as possible.
- This product is non-returnable. Please refer to our Return and Refund Policy for more information.
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Food & Drink
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