🇨🇷 BioWay
🇨🇷 BioWay 潤膚乳 6小包

Product From: EveandboyTerminal 21

🇹🇭 Jess Yip @ Thai Good Day ❤️
4.843 Verified Reviews
Thailand, Bangkok
Expected to arrive Hong Kong within 18 days
- Shipping included
- The above amount may fluctuate daily due to exchange rates; please refer to the confirmation payment screen.
Product Details
🇨🇷 BioWay 潤膚乳小包裝 小小一包,方便攜帶,去到邊度都可以護膚啦❤ 兩款選擇: 1、米漿🥛 是很好的皮膚食品。 並含有對皮膚有益的保濕劑 幫助滋養肌膚,使其觸感光滑柔軟。 皺紋、雀斑、黑斑消失。 天然產物 用於滋養全身皮膚。 對所有膚質均溫和。 2.椰子油🥥 含有純椰子油。 椰子油的分子很小,因此很容易被吸收。 快速有效地滋潤皮膚 維生素E是一種抗氧化劑,有助於對抗皮膚的退化。 讓你的肌膚年輕 柔軟美麗 減少過早出現的皺紋。 報價:THB 350/六包 如果有興趣購買,歡迎傳訊息話我知想要邊款😊👍
- Delivery will be arranged 1-2 days after the product arrives in Hong Kong
- Product purchased by 🇹🇭 Jess Yip @ Thai Good Day ❤️ on your behalf
- Even after payment, the order may still be cancelled due to insufficient stock; we recommend placing your order as soon as possible.
- This product is non-returnable. Please refer to our Return and Refund Policy for more information.
Related Tags:
Beauty & Fragrance
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