
[New] Jellycat Isobel Chihuahua (10x21x10.5cm)

Product From: Jellycat64 Great Titchfield St., London W1W 7QH
Isa Kong_代購
5.013 Verified Reviews
United Kingdom, Edinburgh
Expected to arrive Hong Kong within 21 days
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Product Details

Jellycat Isobel Chihuahua Say hello to Isobel Chihuahua! This excitable little pup loves nothing more than to play all day and snuggle all night! This fluffy canine is ready for you to bring her home and give her lots of love and cuddles. With super soft silky brown and vanilla coloured fur. She has large pointed ears and a short stubby legs. She has small black beady eyes and a little pointed nose which is perfect for sniffing out adventure. She is sure to be a top cuddle companion to drift off with you as you dream of all the adventures you’ve shared together. This loyal companion is sure to become a beloved playtime pal and would make a brilliant gift for birthdays and Christmas. Or just as a treat for yourself, because how can you resist that face?!

  • Delivery will be arranged 1-2 days after the product arrives in Hong Kong
  • Product purchased by Isa Kong_代購 on your behalf
  • Even after payment, the order may still be cancelled due to insufficient stock; we recommend placing your order as soon as possible.
  • This product is non-returnable. Please refer to our Return and Refund Policy for more information.
Related Tags:
Toys & Figures
Soft Toy
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