
ManCoCo India - Monsoon Malabar 250g

Product From: ManCoCo Coffee84 Hewitt St, Manchester M15 4GB
5.0172 Verified Reviews
United Kingdom, Manchester
Expected to arrive Hong Kong within 23 days
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Product Details

This is a premium quality Monsoon Malabar coffee made up of AA beans grown in the highlands of Southern India. The unique Indian process called ‘monsooning’ is a natural, traditional way with a lengthy history and distinctive, potent cup of coffee. To create a ‘monsooned’ crop, natural sun-dried green coffee is stored in open-sided warehouses on the coast, which allow moist tropical air from the monsoon winds to blow through the storage area. Over a 2 to 3 month period, the beans absorb moisture, lose a degree of their natural acidity and swell to around double their original size, becoming brittle and pale. The process starts when the monsoon season begins in June/July and is usually completed by the end of October. Farm: Various estates in Southern India Owner: Various Location: Mysore, Coorg, Hassan, Chickmaglur Preparation: Natural and Monsoon process Varietal: Various Flavours: Bold, earthy, tobacco, spice, milk chocolate notes

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  • Product purchased by Whitney_Wishy-Washy on your behalf
  • Even after payment, the order may still be cancelled due to insufficient stock; we recommend placing your order as soon as possible.
  • This product is non-returnable. Please refer to our Return and Refund Policy for more information.
Related Tags:
Food & Drink
Non-Alcoholic Beverages
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