我來也 Oloiya
我來也豬肉乾 *自選*套餐 500g x 4包 (切片豬肉乾500g + 豬肉乾500g + 心型豬肉乾500g + 金錢雞肉乾500g)

Product From: OloiyaKuala Lumpur, Malaysia 馬來西亞吉隆坡

Fries Yu 薯條姐姐
5.0144 Verified Reviews
Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Expected to arrive Hong Kong within 21 days
- Shipping included
- The above amount may fluctuate daily due to exchange rates; please refer to the confirmation payment screen.
Product Details
切片豬肉乾500g 豬肉乾500g 心型豬肉乾500g 金錢雞肉乾500g (共4包)

- Delivery will be arranged 1-2 days after the product arrives in Hong Kong
- Product purchased by Fries Yu 薯條姐姐 on your behalf
- Even after payment, the order may still be cancelled due to insufficient stock; we recommend placing your order as soon as possible.
- This product is non-returnable. Please refer to our Return and Refund Policy for more information.
Related Tags:
Food & Drink
Prepackaged Food & Soup Packs
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